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SPECIES of fish at the Balboa Pier, Newport Beach, California, as of 2023.

Here is a list of fish species your likely to encounter fishing from the Balboa Pier. I have listed the different types of bait these fish feed on, as well as the areas at the Balboa Pier you can find these fish.

Chub Mackerel

Chub Mackerel are in these waters all year round. Chub Mackerel feed on cut squid, cut mackerel, cut sardines and cut anchovies. Chub Markerel can also be caught using a Sabiki Rig (feathers on a line). I do best catching Chub Mackerel towards the end of the pier


Corbina are in these waters when the water is warm, usually during the months of July, August September and October. Corbina feed on sand crabs, mussels, and ghost shrimp. My best spot to hook a Corbina -about 1/4 way up the pier, with surf conditions being clear.

Corbina caught on Balboa PierCorbina caught in the break at Balboa Pier

Halibut are in these waters during the months of March through June and in September through November. Halibut feed on live sardines, live anchovies, live squid. You can also catch Halibut with plastic swim bait, jigs and spoons. Last Halibut I caught (Sept. 2023 mid morning) half way up the pier, he bit on live jacksmelt and was 23 inches long.

Halibut caught on Balboa PierHalibut caught at the Balboa Pier. This is the Halibut, Snookie netted for Art, shown in the about page.

Shovelnose Guitar Fish

Shovelnose Guitar Fish are plentiful when the water is warm, during the months of July, August and September. Shovelnose Guitar Fish feed on cut squid, cut mackerel, cut sardines, and cut anchovies. Shovelnose Guitar Fish are bottom feeders and are plentiful all along the pier floor.


Jacksmelt can be caught at the Balboa pier all year round. Jacksmelt feed on cut mackerel. You can also catch them with a Sabiki Rig (feathers on a line). I have the best luck catching Jacksmelt towards the end of the pier.

Yellowfin Croaker

Yellowfin Croaker can be caught at the Balboa pier during the months of April, May, and June. Yellowfin Croaker feed on sand crabs and mussels.


Bonita can be caught at Balboa Pier during the months of June, July, August, and September, Bonita feed on live anchovies, live sardines, live smelt. You can also catch them with metal jigs and spoons, as well as Sabiki Rigs (feathers on a line).

Spotfin Croaker

Spotfin Croaker are active in these waters during the months of June, July, and August. Spotfin Croaker feed on mussels, sand crabs, and ghost shrimp. My best spot: In the surf.

spotfin croaker caught on Balboa PierArt holding two spotfin croaker caught on Balboa Pier.

Come join us on the pier and experience the thrill of pier fishing.



Open: 7:00AM till dusk
Open everyday as weather permits
Closed: 4th of July and New Years Day

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Balboa Pier Fish all rights reserved 2023
webmaster: kellyobrienatwork@gmail.com